We'll get to the title in a minute but we can't start without pointing out the beautiful sky that could be seen on Friday morning. A few of you sent in pictures of the gorgeous sunrise but we were particularly taken by how beautiful Malahide marina is. While it can be hard to roll out of the bed and get going, an early morning run definitely has its perks. What a way to wake up!
The Joys of Technology
Where would we be without technology? Technology has definitely made things handier during lockdown for lots of us, whether it is through streaming services, keeping in touch through Zoom or gluing ourselves to our phones, it has made it a bit easier to stay inside.
Sam sporting her new runners, all you need to get out that door
It has been said that running is a simple sport - put on your shoes and go! However, technology has had a huge impact on such a simple concept. Phones and watches have helped us to track our progress and wireless/bluetooth headphones have helped us to enjoy some tunes or catch up on our podcasts while enjoying our runs. There are many benefits to using technology when exercising but this week we have seen some unfortunate and funny tech fails.
Katie must be feeling great. According to her Garmin she climbed Mt. Everest on the 4th of January and she didn't even notice. The pic above shows that she climbed over 700 flights of stairs in one day. It seems that she may have stayed at the top for a few days as, according to Garmin, she descended 725 flights of stairs 3 days later. This clearly shows that technology isn't foolproof and sometimes we see glitches.
One of the questions that came up during the week is how long your battery should last on your watch. Having to plug something in and charge once, twice or, in the case of some of us this week, three or four times is not ideal but it is a small price to pay if you want to see how you got on during your run.
Of course, technology can be a nice distraction. Take Lynda for example. This week she went out for her run, switched her headphones on and blared some Foo Fighters. This was a welcome distraction for her, so much so that she didn't see or hear Pete and Sam roaring at her from the side of the road. Lynda was clearly in the zone.
People's opinions on the benefits and disadvantages of technology differ but there is one simple thing to remember. All you need to get out the door are a pair of shoes.
The muckier the better!
The Weekly Zooms
I have a confession to make this week. I am terrified of Zoom/Meets. I know people who have taken to it like a duck to water but it has always left me cold. Pete and I had a discussion a couple of weeks ago about how much I dislike so, it was with great surprise, that he saw me join the Saturday morning chat. While I really dislike the idea of nearly having to put my hand up to have a conversation with my friends, I put aside my dislike of it this week as, quite simply, I missed the Saturday morning chats. To be honest, I am glad that I did as I had great craic this week. We covered a lot of the important topics, COVID, the Government, Brexit, how to make dinosaurs out of Play-Doh. It was great to be able to see and talk to people that otherwise I would not be able to. If you are like me and feel anxious about joining the group on a Saturday morning for a chat, I would say just give it a go, even if it is just for five minutes. You won't regret it. Same goes for Andy's Zoom calls on Saturday night. Judging by the picture below, the numbers seem to be growing for the weekly music session (and that is with a few regulars missing). You don't have to sing or play an instrument, Andy has pointed out to us several times that people are more than welcome to hop on just for a listen. Hopefully we might see more of you next Saturday.

parkrun Resolution
Did you know that you can add groups to your parkrun profile? A few of you clearly do as you have Sloggers to Joggers, Fingal Women's Running Group or Jacko Joggers beside your name. For those of you who don't, if you want to add your allegiance to your profile, you can do it just like you do when submitting your (not) parkrun results. Simply log into your profile and scroll down to find 'Groups'. Click on it and search for the group that you want to join. We did not know this until this week but you can be a member of up to 5 groups and can choose which one to make your primary group (the one that will appear beside your name).
One of the groups that you can add to your name is parkrun Resolution. If you have chosen a parkrun Resolution and are taking part, why not add it to your groups using the steps that we have outlined above.
For those of you who still have not chosen a parkrun Resolution, country manager Matt Shields had this to say.
"In January and February, as part of the #parkrunresolution, we would love existing parkrunners to virtually support those less active. You can support family members, neighbours, friends or work colleagues to take their first steps.
For now this means on their own, for most, due to COVID19. It could also include other lifestyle changes such as sleep, nutrition, or something else entirely.
Of course, we know through parkrun that sharing the journey can make it even more special. But this isn’t possible at present. Instead, you could form a small online group to motivate one another to exercise regularly on their own and to keep in contact virtually.
Depending on the fitness level and ability of each person, they could choose to walk, jog, or run. You may decide to build up over eight weeks to complete a 5k run each on an individual basis.
The benefits, both mentally and physically, will be considerable, but it doesn’t end there. If you support others, you will reap the rewards of giving and helping others fulfil their parkrun resolutions.
That is something that will stay with you forever."
A Quick Update
One of the questions that we regularly get asked is when parkrun will be back? Truthfully, we don't know but with the rollout of the vaccination programme, we do hope that it will be before the end of this year. While parkrun can't happen here or in the UK at the moment, it is happening around the world. parkrun returned to Victoria, Australia this week and 9 events (including 4 new ones) reopened in Russia. It'll be a slow process getting parkrun back up to the levels that it was before the pandemic but small, baby steps are taking place each week.
Keep fit with Technology
Did you know that Fingal County Council run a free (technology based!) home workout? If you want to keep fit without leaving the door, this could be the thing for you!
Starting tomorrow, Monday 18th January, these free classes will take place at 10 am and will last for approximately 30 to 40 minutes. The classes take place three times a week and cover Body Mind Movement, Full Body Exercises and Chair Exercises.
If you don't already, follow Fingal Sports Office on Facebook for further updates of great initiatives that they are running, including nutrition workshops and sports seminars. The page can be found here.
(not) parkrun
For the last few weeks, we have been asking you guys to get out and run to catch a different parkrun. This week we are asking you to get out and run so that we do not get caught! We have cemented that fourth spot for the last few weeks and made it our own. We are the Arsenal of parkrun and we are comfortable with that. However, we don't want to slip down to fifth, but we have a giant breathing down our necks - Marlay. While Marlay have not embraced (not) parkrun in the same way that we have, their numbers are increasing each week. To make sure that we keep our fourth spot, don't forget to get out and log your runs.

Looking at our own results, well done again to David Mullen for coming in as first finisher this week. A huge congrats on the PB as well David, you smashed it this week. Francesco is this week's second finisher, followed by Philip Elliot. Great running lads. Our first female finisher this week is Imelda Kavanagh again. This is becoming a habit Imelda! Teresa Carroll was second female finisher while Nichola Murphy bagged the third spot, as well as a PB. Well done to the Ryan boys who took the top three Junior spots this week in fantastic times. Well done Joar, James and Jack.
We had no less than 7 PBs this week, including David and Nichola. The other five are Claire McCarville (again, fantastic work Claire!), Joar, James and Jack Ryan and Stephen Reid, who is now up to136 (not) parkruns. Well done all! Isabel Arribas is our only first-timer this week. Hopefully, it won't be the last time Isabel.
So long, farewell . . .
That's it for this week folks. We are going to be glued to United and Liverpool (hopefully Bryan and Andy don't fall out over this) but whatever you are up to, we hope you have a great week. Talk to you soon!
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