Pete captured this on Saturday morning in Clontarf |
No, we are not making up some new weird rhyme along the lines of Hands Knees Bumps-a-daisy. We are in fact referring to washing your Hands (the full happy birthday version), Wearing a mask on your Face not just in-doors but in crowded streets. Maintain your 2m distance even when wearing a mask. We all need to be extra cautious.
The government advised that if you are planning on getting together as a family over the Christmas then you need to be extra cautious from last Friday.
If you need any other reason to be careful then you can talk to Brian McWeeney. Brian was diagnosed positive on Wednesday but as he said himself he didn't need a test to know he had it as he was very ill for two days. He has been recovering well since Friday and keeping a close eye on his temperature. Latest update is that Brian's temp has returned to normal for two days in a row now but he has to be have a normal temp 5 days in a row before he is allowed outdoors.
Brian tells us he is convinced he caught it in the gym and this was backed up by the contact tracing people who told him they were seeing a lot of cases that can be traced to gyms. Be careful folks as we would not like to hear of anyone been taken ill. A big get well soon to Brian but he is doing OK and was in good form on the virtual coffee morning on Saturday morning.
This Weeks Results (which are always positive)
This weeks first finisher is starting to show the sort of consistency we only expect from Cecile. Well done Bryan Donovan but that sub-20 is still eluding you. We will have to plan a completely downhill 5k for ya!
Our first female finisher this week was Imelda Kavanagh but it was a close run thing with Sigita only 1 second behind her.
First junior sees a welcome return of Sean McCarthy. Well done Sean. Sean's sister Caoimhe took the first female junior position showing a welcome return to the McCarthys.
Francesco leads the way with the personal bests(pb) who was also our second overall finisher. Well done to all the PBs this week.
- Francesco PETRONI
- Derek EGAN
- Gerard LEAVY
- Stephen RALPH
- Elaine LYNCH
- Peggy FOLEY
Remember folks the results are not final and only are as they are at the time of writing. There is still time to get out and get your 5km in before close at midnight tonight.
Well Done Lynda
The people at the KBC Dublin Virtual Marathon posted up that our Lynda had won their #RunYourTown competition and she can expect to get €500 One4All voucher. Nice timing for Christmas Lynda.
The Santa Dash
Are you involved in a Santa over the next week or so. We heard a rumour that a few were out yesterday morning. If you are make sure someone brings a phone and you get a couple of pictures. The more embarrassing the better!
The Goal Mile
There is still time to sign up for the Goal mile. It is virtual but you can still get out and enjoy a run on Christmas morning. Tradition in our house is a big dirty fry for breakfast on Christmas morning and this year we will be running that off with a quick mile. No record attempt though.
You can see a suggested route on the Swords Goal Mile Facebook page
The County Championship
Does anyone remember when things were really simple and the only ones we were out to beat were Tralee. Well the Dublin vs Kerry competition is alive and well and we are only 3 behind them at the moment. If you are reading this and are from Donabate, Malahide or Ardgillan and have a 5k you could log then get it logged now and help your county beat those Kerry lads.
On the other hand if you are Siobhán Kearney, Tony Higgins or Kate Curtin and are reading this then all we have to say is "nothing to see here, move along now".
But what about Mayo?
We laid down the gauntlet firmly at the feet of Erris parkrun and they have responded well. There is even a rumour that they are putting out calls to the Mayo diaspora to get the numbers up.
As it stands right now not only have they firmly put us in our place but they are also challenging the might of St Annes. This is no mean achievement. Have a look at the data below and see that potential performance figure
The 4th column is the percentage of (not) parkruns logged versus the average number of finishers when parkrun was active. The 116 logged this week represents 272% of the average number of finishers. It makes our 66% look pitiful.
We know it is hard for the people of River Valley to compete against Erris coming up to Christmas seeing as we have actual shops and stuff to distract us 😂
(We know Padráig from Erris will know we are only joking)
Well done Erris and hopefully we will see a great all Ireland next week.
The Virtual Music Session
Andy has been acting as host for a Saturday night virtual zoom music session and it is going from strength to strength. The session won't be on next week as we take a break for Christmas but it will be back after Christmas.
If you can sing or play an instrument why not join us for some craic agus ceol
The link is shared on the Whatsapp group so let us know if you want to join the WhatsApp or want to get the link separately.
Don't be put off if you don't think you are good enough as it really is all standards welcome. No matter how bad you think you are Charlie will still tell you that you are brilliant! 😂😂😂
We Want You!!!!
Next week will be a normal (not) parkrun run report but the following week will be dedicated to remembering everything good that has happened this year. We want you to share with us your favourite moment whether it was running, sea swimming or cycling!
What were your triumphs? Did you finally complete that marathon? Did you set a new PB?
We want to hear from you? Get in touch through email, Whatsapp or Facebook.
Ideally we will get enough together to have a poll on the best moment of the year!
That's it folks for another week. Keep getting your runs in but do stay safe and remember
Hands - Face - Distance
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