Goodbye and Good Luck 2020, here's to 2021!

Okay, we know it is not quite over with yet but we are going to be as optimistic as we can for the future. It goes without saying that this year has been a very difficult one for everyone and that we are not quite out of the woods yet, but we can see some hope on the horizon that things are going to get better. We are going to cross all of our fingers and toes and hope that the vaccine rollout scheduled for the New Year will begin to see a return to 'normal' life. You never, know, we may even see a return to parkrun before December 2021 with any luck! A New Year's Resolution On Monday 4th January, parkrun Resolution begins. This is an eight-week campaign in which parkrun are asking you to make one resolution that you will try to keep. Whether it is getting in an extra run or walk each week or trying to run a marathon a week, choose one thing that you hope to achieve and stick to. At the halfway mark (25th January), parkrun will bring the community together and applaud ev...